Women and Men Body Meridian Care Treatment 男生女生全身经络护理治疗服务


Women and Men Body Meridian Care Treatment 男生女生全身经络护理治疗服务



Duration 时间: 120min

The meridians function as a network, much like a highway system, that can be mapped out throughout the entire body. They are similar to the circulatory system in western medicine, but it needs to be emphasized that meridians are non-physical.

经络的功能就像一个网络,很像高速公路系统,可以在整个身体中绘制出来。 它们类似于西医的循环系统,但需要强调的是,经络是非物理的。

 Inquiry - Women and Men Body Meridian Care Treatment 男生女生全身经络护理治疗服务